Monday, February 25, 2013

Blogging in the Classroom!

Blogging continues to be my favorite thing to do with students! I'm amazed at how much time and thought goes into each blog entry! Students are aware that they are writing for a greater audience and that alone motivates them to do well. They want their friends to read their blogs so they do their best work. I just finished up blogging in Lisa D.'s room and I wanted to share the resources I created. We really enjoyed co-teaching together and the students are loving their class blog! Please let me know if you would like to create a classroom blog.

Here are the resources we used below. Please feel free to edit the resources as needed. If you need help editing just let me know!

Blogging Resource 1 (make sure you show the movie on page 3)
Blogging Resource 2

Here are some screenshots below from the resources and from my last blogging experience...

Modeling thoughtful comments is very important!

Providing a rubric lets the students know exactly what is expected.

Before using Kidblog we created a paper blog for practice!

Then we learned how to use Kidblog...

 Sample blogs and comments...

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